Keys to Successful Networking - Lather, Rinse, Repeat!
How does visibility relate to networking? Visibility, of course, is your presence or profile -- it's the recognition you establish by being in the room. What if you're not in the room? Do people notice? Why is this important? Quite often, if someone is absent, I wonder where that person is. Is he or she ill, unhappy with the group, or no longer in business? That absence is something I notice and if I notice, it simply means that person is someone important to me. Isn't the awareness of one's absence also a measure of their visibility? It most certainly is. If I don't see someone for several meetings, I usually pick up the phone to call and ask if everything's alright. That person has made enough of an impression on me to warrant me reaching out. Does anyone else think this way? I believe you do. Thanks to keeping in touch with my connections, I've recently received referrals from two people in my network. One of these centers of influence, is relatively ne...